Bitcoin mining reaches a new high in sustainable energy use: 54.5%. In 2023, sustainable mining increased by 3.6%. Bitcoin ESG Forecast According to data from the BEEST model, Bitcoin mining is currently the highest user of sustainable energy and has seen an increase in sustainable mining in 2023 compared to other global industries.
According to the research, some mining companies are reducing environmental impact by using methane to generate electricity for Bitcoin mining. This means the Bitcoin network has offset 7.3% of its emissions, the highest level of non-compensation-based emissions reductions of any industry.
Tether's expansion into hydro mining in Latin America and the discovery of more methane-reducing mining means that the Bitcoin network now uses more sustainable energy than ever before.
After the mining ban in China and the effective ban in Kazakhstan, miners moved to North American grids or sustainable off-grid areas that use greener energy. According to the article, global grids are becoming 0.7% greener per year, resulting in a 29% improvement in emissions intensity for on-grid Bitcoin miners compared to 2021.
Do you think these developments are an important step in reducing Bitcoin's environmental impact? Share your comments with us.