Trading day 1 - Dated 16 Jan 2024
Market Conditions - Red day going Neutral to Green
Goal Status - Target met 117 $
Daily Recap - So im gonna try do this as often as i can but i do also have a life and work and I dono who will follow But anyways … so besides from all my other open positions , Im probably gonna kick myself but i have been running this Btc trade for 4 days and I have been burning to close it - just feels to risky at this time and i could have bought lower - Market conditions are choppy and i just wanted to make a small profit - so goal met - will see what tom delivers - at least my risk dropped from 9 % to 5 odd persent which gives me better peace of mind on my current capital … Now i can sleep - cheers
Update - I could not resist - Goal met at 200 for the day 💪🏻 - now i must really sleep - will look for a nice coin tom - my analysis will run while i sleep 🤣 (I have my ways - I call my own signals thanks)