While many arguments are in favor of Ethereum, some believe the network’s development could still continue to deteriorate.

Repeated outages of one of the most popular blockchains considered to have the potential to replace the Ethereum network have sparked conversations among community members about the future of those burdened with what have been dubbed the “Ethereum killers.”​

A member of a cryptocurrency forum on Reddit started a conversation about Ethereum killers and questioned their ability to succeed in the current cryptocurrency space. According to community members, those dubbed Ethereum killers are unlikely to succeed because they haven’t seen the same adoption as Ethereum.

Furthermore, this community member believes that even if a chain becomes faster than Ethereum, Ethereum’s market cap


Very high. Therefore, crypto users believe that “no ETH killer will actually kill ETH.”

Different members of the community weighed in and gave their thoughts on the issue. From pointing out that so-called ETH killers don’t deliver on their promises to suggesting that the term “ETH killer” be abandoned entirely, members of the crypto community discuss the future of ETH killers.

Community members comment on this topic. Source: Reddit

One community member argued that “there is no such thing as an Ethereum killer.” Reddit users believe there is only Ethereum, and then there are other layer-1 networks vying for the remaining market share of the layer-1 market.

Redditors compared 2018 to recent cycles. Source: Reddit

One Redditor believes that the term ETH killer should be removed because at this point, “ETH is already entrenched.” Community members believe that while ETH can still be deposed, it cannot be killed. "At that stage, the entire market would have to be wiped out, which is also statistically impossible," they wrote.

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Although many arguments are made in favor of Ethereum, some still believe that the network will still go south. One community member said the idea that ETH “never fails” is ridiculous. Reddit users believe that ETH adoption does not mean it is complete, as many believe the space is still in its early stages. They added: "Either we are too early and it is too early to assert absolute certainty, or it is done and we are no longer too early to do so."

While others made serious arguments for the discussion, some jumped in, adding a touch of humor to the somehow heated online debate. One community member posted, “Ethereum is the real Ethereum killer,” while another said, “What doesn’t kill ETH makes ETH stronger.”

A few days ago, Solana, one of the most famous Ethereum killer blockchains, suffered another issue on its network. On February 25, Solana faced a slowdown in block production, leading to a network restart. The incident resulted in various disruptions to user transactions. The issue also sparked outrage on Twitter, with some mocking the network and calling it a "deal killer."