The expectation of ETF speculation in the short term will come to an end
Next, funds will most likely continue to hype the Cancun upgrade of Ethereum (the Cancun testnet will be launched on January 17, and the Cancun mainnet will be launched in February). Everyone should pay more attention to related targets (such as arb/op/ssv/ido). The best rise today is also the second layer of the Ethereum system. If the relevant underlying assets fall, it is an opportunity to add positions. The market is currently waiting for ETFs to be launched and for funds to switch to the Ethereum system. This logic is relatively deterministic. Understand the funds. The hype is strong, and if you ambush it in advance, there is a high probability that the rate of return will not be bad.
NFT coin的龙头,在节目中我们已经分析过yugalabs的运营能力是金字塔顶尖界别的,目前也完成了团队重组,准备冲刺这个链游,而且节目中我们分析过这个团队仅凭BAYC这个IP的版税收入就每年5000万美金(牛市1.5亿美金),手里有大量的现金,所以我不信它这个游戏做不好,一定会做的好,yugalabs已经无数次的证明了自己,这个团队能力我给满分,链游赛达也很大。目前还有64%的代币未解锁,每年释放7.5%的比例,目前市值5.4亿美金。至于市值的预估,可以参考上波牛市链游axie最高市值450亿美金,所以目前来看还有80倍的空间。