We are seeing a glimpse of an upcoming bull market with the surge in price of some Cryptocurrency assets. We have seen developers coming out once more to build and lots of investors are funding some of these projects. 

Naturally, cryptocurrency enthusiasts are more keen on the upcoming crypto assets bull run because of the huge return on investment seen within this period. It is important to remind job seekers that the bull run usually comes with high job opportunities because there is enough money in circulation and projects can comfortably pay their workers. 

Those of us who work with projects can attest to the fact that some of the projects fired workers during the bear market because they did not have enough funds to keep them. Some saw their salary reduced by the project. 


To benefit from the job opportunities coming up from the coming bull run, one needs to prepare himself very well. You need to tailor your CV and make it stand out among others. Projects want to see your experience because that's part of what will convince them that you can do the job. This is why I have always encouraged job seekers to resort to internships when there is no paying job available. 

Ensure you participate in crypto conferences both online and offline because it allows you to network with people. There are job opportunities that can come from your networks. Some of the people you meet might have gigs they have control of and would recommend you for immediate employment. 

Try to join Telegram groups where job opportunities are shared. There are many of them out there and they will help keep you updated with available positions. 

While a bull run may create more opportunities, competition can also be fierce. Be patient and persistent in your job search. Don't be discouraged by rejections; use feedback to improve and refine your approach.

Remember, in a bull run, the job market is dynamic, and being proactive and strategic in your job search can significantly increase your chances of landing a position. 

May the odd favor us all as we await the bull run.