Optimism, a scaling solution for Ethereum, has announced its second airdrop, called Op Drop #2. More than 11.7 million OP tokens will be sent to more than 300,000 different addresses. The tokens will be given to addresses that have delegated the voting power of their OP tokens and to those who have spent more than $6.10 on L2 gas since March 25, 2022. The distribution was based on a snapshot taken on January 20, 2023, at 0:00 UTC to determine eligibility. There is no claims page for Airdrop #2, as tokens have been sent directly to eligible addresses.
Users have been warned by Optimism not to trust any website that says it will give out Airdrop #2. This is a scam.
Who is eligible for Op Drop #2?
Airdrop #2 has been distributed to addresses that have delegated the voting power of their OP tokens and addresses that spent more than $6.10 on L2 gas since March 25, 2022. A snapshot was taken on January 20, 2023, at 0:00 UTC to determine eligibility. Optimism has committed to distributing 19% of the total initial token supply to the community through airdrops, and Airdrop #2 is roughly 1/20 as large.
The rationale behind delegation
Optimism thinks that a healthy governance system is important for the success of the Optimism Collective as a whole, and delegators are an important part of a healthy governance system. These are OP token holders who choose to transfer the voting power of their tokens to a community member to vote for those tokens in governance. Delegation is a positive-sum activity that helps strengthen the fabric of Optimism’s governance system. The Airdrop is designed to reward users who share these values and have put their OP tokens to use in the first three seasons of Token House governance by delegating.
How to delegate your tokens?
To delegate your own tokens, head to app.optimism.io/delegates. Delegating your tokens does not affect your eligibility for Airdrop #2.
Why gas spend is important?
The success of Optimism is not only due to its solutions but also to the people interacting with applications and products in its ecosystem. Optimism is a lot cheaper than L1 Ethereum, but OP Mainnet could still be cheaper. This airdrop provides a partial gas rebate for all those power users who have spent more than $6.10 in gas since the first airdrop snapshot.
Several bonus multipliers are available to recognize users who have been especially involved. If an address meets one of these bonus criteria, it receives a multiplier on the baseline drop amount. These attributes include substantial delegation, gas guzzler, consistent optimist, and active delegator.
Airdrop Steps:
To claim the airdrop, follow these steps:
Check your wallet to see if you have received any OP tokens.
If you are eligible, you should have received the tokens directly in your wallet.
Do not interact with any website claiming to distribute Airdrop #2, as this is a scam.
In conclusion, Optimism’s Airdrop #2 is a reward for positive-sum governance participation and power users of Optimism Mainnet. Eligibility criteria for the airdrop are based on delegation and gas spend. There are also bonus multipliers for people who have done a lot of work in the Optimism ecosystem.
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