According to Odaily, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov recently stated that 2024 is expected to be a crucial year for blockchain adoption. Durov emphasized that 2024 will be remembered as the year when hundreds of millions of people become familiar with blockchain technology. He expressed pride in Telegram's central role in this societal transformation.
Durov also revealed plans to intensify efforts against scammers targeting new users in the crypto space. Telegram will soon display the registration month and primary country of public accounts, similar to Instagram. Additionally, organizations will be allowed to use their mini-programs to tag posts on channels, and a decentralized marketplace for third-party verification will be created.
Previously, Telegram announced plans to enhance its blockchain-related initiatives, including the launch of a mini app store and an in-app browser supporting Web3 pages. Durov disclosed on his Telegram channel that both the mini app store and the Web3-supporting in-app browser would be launched within this month.