According to Odaily, US Senator Cynthia Lummis has expressed optimism about the future of cryptocurrency. She stated that the majority of both parties in Congress support cryptocurrency, indicating a promising future for this digital asset.

Senator Lummis' statement is a significant endorsement for the cryptocurrency industry, suggesting that there is bipartisan support for digital currencies in the US Congress. This could potentially lead to more favorable legislation and regulations for cryptocurrencies in the future.

The future of cryptocurrency has been a topic of intense debate among lawmakers, financial experts, and the general public. While some see it as a risky and volatile investment, others view it as a revolutionary technology that could transform the global financial system.

Senator Lummis' comments suggest that the majority of US lawmakers are leaning towards the latter view. This could potentially pave the way for more widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies in the US and beyond.

However, it's important to note that while there is growing support for cryptocurrencies in Congress, there are still many regulatory and legal challenges that need to be addressed. The future of cryptocurrencies will largely depend on how these challenges are tackled by lawmakers and regulators.