According to Odaily, Chainlink has announced an expanded strategic partnership with Hong Kong-based company ARTA TechFin to develop solutions in the blockchain-based Real World Assets (RWA) vertical. The collaboration includes tokenized funds, tokenized real estate, and stablecoins.

Chainlink, a decentralized oracle network, is broadening its digital asset cooperation with ARTA TechFin, a technology financial company based in Hong Kong. The partnership aims to create solutions in the RWA vertical, which is based on blockchain technology. This includes the development of tokenized funds and tokenized real estate, as well as the creation of stablecoins.

The strategic partnership between Chainlink and ARTA TechFin signifies a significant step in the expansion of blockchain technology into real-world asset management. The tokenization of funds and real estate could potentially revolutionize the way these assets are managed and traded, while the creation of stablecoins could provide a more stable and reliable form of digital currency.