According to Odaily Planet Daily, analyst "ELI5 of TLDR" said in an article that five on-chain indicators indicate that the crypto bull market has just begun. Specifically: Bitcoin's market share exceeds 56%, and according to TradingView data, the indicator has been above 50% since October 2023. Bitcoin's MVRV Z score is below 6 and has not exceeded 6 since March 2021. The Puell Multiple has not yet exceeded 3. According to Coinglass data, the Puell Multiple fell below 1 after the halving on April 20. Data from HODL Waves shows that the decline in the peak of the newly entered band indicates that the selling pressure has been exhausted and there may be more room for growth. The indicator of Bitcoin miners' income per hash value shows that the past two surges to $0.3/Th/s occurred during the peak of the previous market cycle.