According to U.Today, David Schwartz, the Chief Technology Officer of Ripple, once again denied any connection to Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, at the annual XRP Las Vegas 2024 conference. Schwartz, who is well-known for his contributions to cryptography and as one of the original architects of the XRP Ledger, responded to questions about his alleged identity as Nakamoto with a firm denial. He stated that although he had the necessary skills, he only became aware of Bitcoin in 2011, long after its creation, and wished he had discovered it earlier.

Schwartz's denial was based on his late introduction to Bitcoin and his unfamiliarity with the Qt interface, a key component of the early Bitcoin code. This lack of knowledge further distanced him from any association with Nakamoto. After the conference, Schwartz took to social media to elaborate on his position, humorously suggesting that the only skill he lacked to be Nakamoto was familiarity with Qt. He also mentioned that Nik Bougalis, Ripple's former director of engineering, had the necessary knowledge, which sparked speculation.

Despite Schwartz's clear denials, his acknowledgment of his capabilities has reignited discussions within the cryptocurrency community about the true identity of Bitcoin's creator. His statement that it is 'not true, but plausible' regarding any potential association with Satoshi Nakamoto has reopened debates on the subject.