According to Foresight News, Safe, a decentralized digital asset management platform, has announced the launch of its Safe{Core} SDK support for ERC4337. The new features include the ability to create and sign userOps using the Safe 4337 module, the option to pay fees using Pimlico or a custom service provider, the capability to batch process userOps to save on gas fees, and support for EntryPoint v0.6.

The introduction of these features is expected to enhance the functionality and user experience of the platform. By allowing the creation and signing of userOps using the Safe 4337 module, users can now manage their digital assets more efficiently. The option to pay fees using Pimlico or a custom service provider offers flexibility and convenience to users.

Furthermore, the ability to batch process userOps can result in significant savings on gas fees, making the platform more cost-effective for users. Lastly, the support for EntryPoint v0.6 is expected to improve the platform's overall performance and reliability.

These updates are part of Safe's ongoing efforts to provide a robust and user-friendly platform for managing digital assets. The platform's support for ERC4337 is a significant step forward in its development, demonstrating its commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in the digital asset management sector.