According to Odaily Planet Daily, Messari released a status report on Sui 2023 Q4 and 2024 Q1. The report shows that in the past two quarters, Sui's average daily DEX trading volume has increased by 3689% to US$78 million, of which Cetus and DeepBook lead with an average daily trading volume of US$37 million and US$26 million. In Q1 2024, projects mainly built on Sui raised US$11.3 million, 31% higher than the total financing for the whole year of 2023. Projects that received financing include Talofa Games, Scallop, NAVI, Cetus, and Karrier One. In addition, Mysten Labs launched a new execution expansion solution Pilotfish at the end of March. DeFi TVL on Sui has increased by 1459% to US$786.6 million in the past two quarters. During Quest 3, Sui's average daily active addresses were 151,000, with a peak of 453,000.