According to the Daily Planet report, L2BEAT data shows that the TVL on the ZK L2 network ZKFair chain has exceeded 21 million US dollars, with a 24-hour increase of 80%. The ZKFair Gas fee Airdrop event started at 11 o'clock today. As of press time, the total number of participants has exceeded 25,000, and the total Gas fee consumption has reached 3.3 million USDC. ZKFair Gas fee Airdrop is carried out in four stages, each lasting 12 hours. The upper limit of Gas fee is 750,000 USDC. Users can share 1.875 billion ZKF Tokens according to the proportion of Gas fee contribution. The official promise is that the excess Gas will be returned to users after the event. ZKFair is the first L2 network based on Polygon ZK and Celestial DA, supported by Lumoz, and launched on the mainnet on December 20.