According to Cointelegraph, California Governor Gavin Newsom has emphasized the need for individuals to stay ahead of the curve in generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) by acquiring new skills and familiarizing themselves with the emerging technology. The report suggests that Californians should have access to educational and training opportunities in GenAI, stating: "To support California’s state government workforce and prepare for the next generation of skills needed to thrive in the GenAI economy, agencies will provide trainings for state government workers to use state-approved GenAI to achieve equitable outcomes." This is considered essential in response to the significant employment impact indicated by recent reports on GenAI.

The report cites Goldman Sachs' forecast, which predicts that GenAI will affect 300 million jobs worldwide, despite the potential productivity gains expected to be achieved. "As such, the State must lead in training and supporting workers, allowing them to participate in the AI economy and creating the demand for businesses to locate and hire here in California," it notes. The report further states that GenAI education initiatives should begin at higher education institutions and vocational schools.

There have been several reports recently on AI’s potential impact on jobs in the global economy. On July 12, The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a report outlining the jobs most at risk of AI. The research labels "high-skill, white collar jobs" as the most exposed to AI. Additionally, measures of AI exposure show that available tools have made the most progress in areas requiring "non-routine, cognitive tasks such as information ordering, memorization and perceptual speed."