According to Cointelegraph: XRP Ledger (XRPL) has entered the activation countdown for its fixReducedOffersV1 amendment, signaling further protocol enhancements for the platform. This amendment, which is now two weeks away from live implementation, secured approval from more than 80% of XRPL validators and aims to reduce obscured order books by minimizing reduced offers.
The fixReducedOffersV1 amendment is part of the broader XRPL v1.12.0 update and has been the only amendment to achieve an 80% consensus, initiating the activation countdown. Users relying on ripple v1.11.0 or earlier have been advised to update their systems to accommodate the changes.
The upgrade specifically addresses key issues with decentralized exchange (DEX) offerings within the platform. From the perspective of the taker, the amendment is set to round the exchange rate of a reduced offer on XRPL's DEX to a more favorable position than the original offer. Contrastingly, without these amendments, an offer with minimal amounts left could exhibit significantly unfavorable exchange rates after rounding when compared to the original value.
In the wake of releasing XRPL version 1.12.0 in September, which also featured bug fixes and additional amendments to the Automated Market Maker (AMM) and Clawback function, users were advised to update to the latest version by September 20 to avoid disruption. The success of the recent security audit for the Xahau sidechain further attests to the strides made in improving XRPL's infrastructure.