According to Decrypt, the latest episode of 'The Simpsons' aired on Sunday, poking fun at NFTs. However, before the technology became a viral television punchline, the show released two NFTs that fans could purchase and trade. In November 2021, 'The Simpsons' partnered with Disney and digital collectibles marketplace VeVe to offer Bart and Homer NFTs, which sold out globally for $60 each. The collectibles, consisting of 3D models, were promoted as a special addition to any collector's showroom.
In the recent episode, Marge must kill numerous NFTs to save Bart from 'the blockchain.' The NFTs offered by 'The Simpsons' had a gaudy, gold-plated appearance, similar to a diamond-wielding dog (Poochie, an iconic 'Simpsons' character) that Marge faces off against. VeVe acknowledged the reference on Twitter, tagging the show's official account and sharing a screenshot of the digital canine.
According to VeVe's marketplace, 'The Simpsons' NFTs can be traded for gems that are purchased from its website for a dollar each. The cheapest Homer & Bart and Skateboard collectibles are currently offered for 118 and 143 gems, respectively. The Homer & Bart NFT had a limited supply of 12,333, while the Skateboard was scarcer with just 6,333 NFTs. Both sold out in the initial sale, generating over $1.1 million in revenue.
Since its launch in 2018, VeVe has offered digital collectibles from several big-name brands, including Disney, DC Comics, and Warner Bros. The marketplace initially used its own private blockchain but shifted to the Ethereum layer-2 scaling network Immutable X in 2021, citing the network's speed and efficiency. In March, the company announced digital collectibles for 'Sesame Street,' a first-ever for the longtime kids show, available only through its mobile app.