According to Cointelegraph: Crypto influencer Ben Armstrong, also known as BitBoy, has been charged with "loitering/prowling" and "simple assault by placing another in fear" and released on bail after spending around eight hours in confinement. The charges came after Armstrong was arrested outside a former associate's house on September 25th while live-streaming his visit.

Screenshot from Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office. Source:

According to the Gwinnett County, Georgia, Sheriff's Office, Armstrong's bail amounted to $2,600 plus $40 in fees. In Georgia, the offense of "loitering/prowling" generally involves a person's presence in a location at unusual times or in ways that could raise legitimate security concerns, according to the law firm Lawson & Berry.

Offenses of prowling and loitering are misdemeanors, punishable with fines up to $1,000, up to one year of jail time, or both. The definition of simple assault in Georgia involves an attempt to commit violent harm to another person or an act that provokes fear of imminent violent harm. Penalties for simple assault are generally similar to that of loitering/prowling.

Armstrong appeared to ridicule his predicament following his release, declaring himself a "loiterer" and referencing his eight-hour jail stint. He later announced a weeklong break from social media, claiming his decision was unrelated to recent online memes, which feature his mugshot.

The incident leading to the arrest involved Armstrong visiting the home of former associate Carlos Diaz while live-streaming. Armstrong alleged that Diaz had possession of his Lamborghini. His arrest concludes a period of discord between Armstrong and Hit Network, which controls the "BitBoy Crypto" brand. The network severed its relationship with Armstrong in August due to allegations surrounding substance misuse and financial damage to employees.