As reported by CryptoPotato, Telegram recently launched its self-hosted wallet on The Open Network (TON) blockchain. However, the development has sparked controversy. CertiK, a well-known blockchain security company, issued a warning about the use of Telegram bot tokens following the launch. On September 13, CertiK posted a cautious message on social media, advising cryptocurrency enthusiasts to be careful when dealing with Telegram bot tokens. CertiK's report pointed out the worrying findings: "Our analysis shows that more than 40% of Telegram bot tokens may be exit scams." The warning comes at a time when the crypto space is full of anticipation about the potential of Telegram's new self-hosted wallet. Telegram's recently launched self-hosted wallet on the TON network has attracted considerable attention. The wallet offers a user-friendly interface and additional features. These features include easy top-ups using bank cards, selecting preferred currencies, and easy purchase and trading of cryptocurrencies. By integrating this wallet, the TON Foundation aims to bring about 30% of active users to the TON blockchain in the next 3-5 years. This move supports TON's broader vision of promoting widespread adoption of Web3 technologies.