Foresight News: According to the MakerDAO governance page, on August 5 at 00:47 Beijing time, the MakerDAO community voted to approve a proposal for various protocol changes. The proposal was executed on August 7 at 00:49 Beijing time. Initially introduced on August 4, the vote was originally scheduled to end on September 3 at 03:35.
Aside from raising the DAI deposit interest rate to 8%, other major protocol changes include: increasing the maximum debt ceiling for Spark Protocol's Direct Deposit Module from 20 million DAI to 200 million DAI; reducing the debt ceiling for RWA004-A from 7 million DAI to 0 DAI and implementing updates for RWA002-A; allocating 134.1 MKR to AVC members; MakerDAO approving a DAO resolution with an IPFS hash value of QmaGTVioBsCPfNoz9rbW7LU6YuzfgqHDZd92Hny5ACfL3p; transferring 2 million DAI to 0x3C5142F28567E6a0F172fd0BaaF1f2847f49D02F as part of the Endgame project launch; and Spark Protocol updating DAI interest rate strategy, reducing the DAI loan-to-value (LTV) ratio from 74% to 0.01%, the DAI liquidation threshold from 76% to 0.01%, the WETH market reserve rate from 15% to 5%, and WETH's variableRateSlope1 from 3.8% to 3%.