Suspicious transactions originating from scam token XPro have been detected, with 101 ETH deposited into TornadoCash before being withdrawn and potentially being used for future scam token purchases.
According to Certik Aler, a total of 101 ETH was spotted being deposited into TornadoCash by EOA 0xAF1. The funds are traced back to a scam token named XPro (ETH: 0xE6550144ACD9954a5dA5a3eb4b8E2e09be13C0D9), which has seen a significant drop of approximately 96% in value. XPro's admin reportedly calls the executed() function and sets the buyers' 'crossAmount' to an excessively large value (10^27), effectively preventing them from selling the token.
The funds deposited into TornadoCash have been observed to be withdrawn by EOA 0x2ee. The funds are then distributed to multiple External Owned Accounts (EOAs) through the Disperse app.
Considering previous examples, it is likely that these funds will be used to purchase scam tokens, further complicating matters and raising concerns for potential victims. It is vital for the crypto community to be cautious and vigilant in monitoring and reporting suspicious activities related to scam tokens.