The EOS digital currency is the original cryptocurrency of the EOSIO platform, which is one of the open source blockchain technologies that allows developers to build decentralized applications or “dapps”, and it is considered among one of the strong currencies in the world of encryption, although its market value is not large, Ethereum can be considered the main competitor to EOS, and although Ethereum has a larger audience, experts know that popularity does not always mean quality.

EOS focuses on speed, scalability, and flexibility – features that crypto experts value in this currency. Furthermore, EOS attempts to solve the problems of limited availability of resources on the network, erroneous transactions, similar requests, spam applications, etc. What does the future hold for those who... Do they have hope that the price of EOS will rise? Let's learn more about the future of EOS and cryptocurrency trading.

The EOS price prediction is based on the opinions of many experts, according to them, the average trading price at the end of 2023 will be near the level of $3.38, and they also provide forecasts for the period up to 2030.

The Long Forecast agency uses the same market with the EOS coin price. According to the agency, the EOS USD price could move in the range from $0.54 to $1.18 during 2023. The table below shows the open price, average close price, maximum price, and minimum price.