1- What is#Confluxtoken i.e. #CFX?#CFXis a blockchain platform designed to provide high measurability, security and centralization. It was founded in 2018 by a group of researchers at Chinese and US universities.

One of the key features of#confluxtokenis that it provides high throughput and low latency in transactions while maintaining decentralization and security.

#CFXalso supports smart contracts and has its own programming language called Solidity+, which is vertically and forward compatible with #ethereum's Solidity.

2- Why did I buy#CFXin the spot portfolio?

1️⃣ - Interest in China-Asia based projects in the crypto market has begun to increase. You may remember#neocoin from the previous bull season. It has brought good income to many of us. Why shouldn't#CFXbe this season's #neo?

2️⃣ In recent months,#CFXWEB 3 received an investment of over 50 Million dollars from investment firm DWF Labs. DWF LABS announced that they will help#cfxgrow its technology and user base.

3️⃣ It has its own blockchain. Total supply: 5 Billion 278 million market value: 640 million dollars. It is traded at#58on Coinmarketcap.