It’s almost a 100% strategy that will help you succeed 👇

Many traders omit their income by 10-20 times because they forget the basics and chase large amounts of money.

Finally, they give up trading because they don't know how to manage it.

I will tell you the secret and help you get out of this hole.

But what do I mean by saying they’re undershooting their profits?

For example: a trader is looking for a token that will 100x, and they hold without selling. When it doesn’t moon, they either lock in a loss or just a small percentage gain.

How to improve: Always take profits at 2-5x and leave a moon bag.

This way, you'll win more often compared to the first approach.

1/ Head to @dexscreener and select the Solana chain.

Click on "New Pairs" and visually analyze which coin you would like to start with.

Your main task at this point is to determine what the developers are creating at the moment, everything changes.

2/ After analyzing the coins, you need to find those with the potential for 5-10x gains.

Click "1H" to see which coins have dropped in the last hour.

After spending a lot of time trading, I've developed a strategy.

My idea is to have a buying strategy after a significant dump.

3/ You need to filter out the coins that won't bring you anything — these are coins at the $5-10k mcap level.

Click "Filters" and set the following values:

> Liquidity: min $10,000

> Mcap: min $50,000

This will help save you time and avoid unnecessary coins.

4/ The next step is to quickly check all social media.

Start with Twitter and the Twitter community using @getmoni_io.

Then join the Telegram group and gauge the community’s sentiment — are they planning to dump further or buy the dip?

You can also ask the team about their future plans.

5/ Alright, it’s time to buy the memecoin.

Stick to a strategy of buying after a 70-80% drop.

Of course, you'll need time to test everything and understand how it works best.

But it almost always works — just look at older tokens. It’s an incredible strategy.

6/ Now that you've chosen your buying levels, set limit orders to buy.

I use @tradewithPhoton for trading, as it's the most convenient for this.

Plus, the platform provides protection against MEV bots.

You can also set Take Profit levels there.

It is important to realize that I do not guarantee you will win 100% of the time.

I have shown you my strategy, you can repeat it and check it out for yourself.

I also don't recommend you to invest all your money, start with small amounts.

Go for it!

I hope my article was helpful, if so, please :

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