@everyone10.26btc analysis report
The current price of the pie is 34660, with a high and volatile trend. There is not much focus on the weekly line. The big positive line is basically confirmed. The important thing is whether the daily line goes back to the MA 99 moving average. Currently, the daily line and the 3-day line are all standing above the MA 99 moving average. , all macd indicators are relatively strong, the trend market is obvious, and we also got some short orders in the middle, which is still good.
Follow-up operation suggestions are to continue to focus on lows and longs until it hits the 38,000 integer mark. The trend of the big market has become independent of the US stock market, and small coins are also consolidating at high levels. We are gathering strength to wait for the second impact. Short orders are of little significance in the short term, and the big market breaks again. Pay attention to short orders at the key position of 35300.
Short-term support is 34300 33800 and short-term pressure is 35300 35800. #BTC
At present, small coins are basically in the w-bottom form. Brothers who hold spot coins, don’t panic! The huge surge is unimaginable!