In the morning, the price of Bitcoin hit 68,000 again. Is it really going to hit the 70,000 mark? Or is it that the market maker is trying to lure more investors to buy?
From the perspective of 1 hour, it hit 68,400 this morning, forming an obvious short-term triple top with the previous two high points. Regardless of whether it can reach a new high here, our strategy remains unchanged, and we will open short positions at high levels.
If the price of Bitcoin stays at 68,000 for a long time before the market changes, the more people will be trapped. We said yesterday that the 1-hour and 4-hour prices are short-term adjustments, and the decline from 68,400 to 66,600 is close to 2,000 points!
Then we need to see a bigger adjustment, and we also need to look at the trend at the daily level, but it will be soon, just in the next two days. It is likely to take advantage of the sideways trend in the next two days of the weekend and then change the market, so we have to wait for a big change. $BTC $ETH #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #特朗普家族加密项目 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美股财报季来袭 Participate in the trading league and share the $10 million prize pool