Today's key financial data and events: Friday, October 18, 2024

① 07:30 Japan's September core CPI annual rate

② 09:30 China's 70 large and medium-sized cities' residential sales price monthly report

③ 10:00 China's third quarter GDP annual rate

④ 10:00 China's total retail sales of consumer goods in September year-on-year

⑤ 10:00 China's September industrial added value above designated size year-on-year

⑥ 14:00 UK September seasonally adjusted retail sales monthly rate

⑦ 16:00 Eurozone August seasonally adjusted current account

⑧ 20:30 US September new housing starts annualized

⑨ 20:30 US September total building permits

⑩ 22:00 Fed Kashkari speech

⑪ 00:10 the next day Fed Governor Waller speech

⑫ 01:00 the next day US total number of oil drilling rigs as of the week ending October 18