A child from South Africa, with an unattractive appearance, dull eyes, and a tendency to daydream, seemed to be deaf. His parents and doctors thought he was deaf, and removed his tonsils to enhance his hearing. He wandered around, first immigrating to Canada, and finally to the magical land of the United States, creating a legend in his life. He is Musk. He invented the mobile payment Paypal, which was imitated by Jack Ma to create Alipay, and then Pony Ma imitated WeChat Pay. He invented the pure electric car Tesla, and Shanghai introduced the Tesla car factory in 2014. Musk opened related patents, which promoted the flourishing of electric cars in China. He continued to look beyond the earth, founded Space X to build starships, and invented rocket recovery technology, laying the foundation for human interstellar exploration. He built Starlink, a satellite communication system covering the world. He invested in artificial intelligence and invented humanoid robots. He pioneered the unmanned taxi Robotaxi, and Baidu's Robin Li was inspired to create Turnip Run, and even the names are very similar. He understands blockchain technology and supports encryption, Bitcoin and Dogecoin. He leads almost all cutting-edge innovations in the world and has become a new generation of technology leader in the world. Among the stars of American technological innovation, Musk is the brightest star. Now, he is trying to get involved in politics, standing with Trump, trying to cut down US government agencies and personnel, and improve government efficiency, MAGA. Musk's fusion with Trump may be the biggest variable and uncertainty in the world today.