If you think the market has slipped away from you and people are making big profits, you're 100% mistaken.

Those who are currently profiting are only experienced futures traders, sometimes with some losses, or those holding from the peaks and trying to recover small losses compared to the big losses from those peaks.

Here are some coins that are still at the bottom:


And believe me, my dear, it only took me two minutes to find them. If you dedicate some time and search, you will find dozens of coins that are still at their lowest.

Why did I share this with you? So you don’t fall into FOMO and regret missing out on an opportunity. Rest assured that anyone telling you they entered from the bottom didn’t literally enter from the bottom but bought at +15% from the bottom, and these same coins are currently only +25% from the bottom. That’s not a huge percentage.

So, don’t be afraid, and don’t check the market every minute. Make a plan and stick to it.

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