Today, there are only a handful of people who still believe that the bull market still exists. Too many people lack their own objective judgment and are blindly swayed by short-term market conditions. When the market falls a little, they shout that the bear market is coming, and when it rises a little, they shout that the bull market is coming. They are fickle and have no determination. Under the influence of this drifting point of view, the principal in their hands gradually decreases like quicksand, and they lose their way in the waves, not knowing where to find the safe shore. There are many traps in the bull market. Once you take a wrong step, you will make mistakes at every step, and ultimately you will not get the results you want. #Meme浪潮持续,你看好哪一个? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC能否站稳6W6 #Canary提交莱特币ETF申请 #特斯拉转移比特币 $ETH $BTC