The current key pressure points of the big cake are 68000 and the previous high of 70000, with a difference of nearly 2000 points, and there is no pressure range.
At present, the price is quoted at 67100. At this position, it can be said that there are more short sellers. Don't forget that once it breaks through 68000, it is possible to pull the 70000 mark at one time, and there is no resistance in the middle. Remember to reserve opportunities for replenishment when shorting.
The intraday bullish sentiment is strong. Although the upward momentum is not strong at present, the market maintains high-level shocks and consolidation. The trend is in shock accumulation, and the support below is gradually moving up. As long as the intraday correction does not fall below 65500 and remains above 67200, the intraday market will most likely continue to rise along the MA5 moving average.
In terms of operation, we recommend buying at the 66000/500 range, with the target at 68000/69000
2. It is recommended to buy at the 2580 range, with the target at 2650/2700#Meme浪潮持续,你看好哪一个? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC能否站稳6W6 #Canary提交莱特币ETF申请