The current price of Storj (STORJ) is $0.5934, reflecting a 22.58% increase over the last 24 hours. STORJ is listed on 45 exchanges, with a trading volume of 428,712,660 coins, totaling approximately $254,406,414.

Today, Storj opened at $0.6040, down 1.75% from that opening price. After briefly reaching $0.6059, it encountered resistance and struggled to gain further momentum. Over the past 30 and 7 days, STORJ is up by 23.16% from its maximum prices, and it has increased by 69.36% and 56.96% from the minimum prices in those timeframes.

Analysis suggests that STORJ needs to maintain a price above $0.5734 to target the first major resistance level at $0.7125. A breakout above this level could propel STORJ to the next resistance at $0.8258, with a third resistance level at $0.9191.

On the downside, the first support level to monitor is $0.5734. If this level does not hold, a further decline to the next support level at $0.4644 could occur.