When BTC was around 67285.5 yesterday, I was going to suggest selling, but it quickly went to 64773.2.

Today it rebounded again to around 67400. Is this a double explosion of long and short positions?

Dog dealers really don't treat retail investors as human beings. They come to this market without skills. It's scary to think about it.

Current suggestion: wait and see for BTC. It needs to repair the K line at this position.

After the upward trend ends, it will become a sideways shock, and then continue to choose whether it is a downward or upward trend. 😎

#Meme浪潮持续,你看好哪一个? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC能否站稳6W6 #SUI走势分析 #特斯拉转移比特币