The bears finally got what they wanted. Today's market was mainly adjusted and accumulated momentum. The overall performance was a volatile downward consolidation, which took a long time. In the evening, the US stock market opened higher, and the bulls exerted their strength and had a strong momentum. The real market followed the trend and saw a rebound. The strength of this rebound seemed reasonable and unexpected. Then the price ratio fell under pressure, and the bears lived up to expectations. The volatility of the big cake reached 3150 points, and the ether reached 151 points. In the real market, the rebound of the big cake gained 905 points, and the ether gained 35 points. Then the empty Dan entered the market, and the big cake gained a total of 22520 points, and the ether gained a total of 110 points. After the market has gone out of the market, it is very important to correctly analyze the current trend. Blindly following the trend or being stubborn will only put you in trouble. Instead of blindly pursuing the big market, it is better to operate steadily, get a part of the profit each time, and accumulate a lot. This strategy is more effective.

From the current market perspective, after the daytime consolidation and repair, the market quickly rose after the opening of the US stock market in the evening. A big positive line pushed the price to around 67953, and then fell under pressure, and the market returned to the range of shocks, as if nothing had happened. From the daily chart, the bulls' upward momentum is still strong, showing a step-by-step upward pattern. On the hourly chart, the big positive line and the big negative line appear alternately, and the market re-enters the range of consolidation and repair. We will adopt the idea of ​​following the low position. #Meme浪潮持续,你看好哪一个? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美股财报季来袭 #BTC能否站稳6W6