Bitcoin Predictions Right on Target, CryptoCon Reveals Route to New ATH

The main crypto asset Bitcoin (BTC) has experienced a crazy rally this week creating extraordinary euphoria from its investors. In this case, an analyst on the X platform with the nickname CryptoCon has made a splash in the crypto community with a number of very accurate predictions.

He previously predicted an increase of up to US$ 30,000 for the BTC price, now he is revealing his latest cycle theory. This cycle theory is related to the dates of the first and second Bitcoin halving, namely November 28, 2012 and July 9, 2016. According to CryptoCon, these dates are the key to understanding Bitcoin price movements.

Green Year, as outlined by CryptoCon, predicts several key developments:

1. Cycle bottom within +/- 21 days from 28 November 2022.

2. Lowest cycle purchase price.

3. Reached US$ 34,500 (middle price, half the previous record high).

What will happen next according to CryptoCon Theory?

In estimates regarding what will happen in the future, the analyst outlines two further phases:

1. Blue Year 2024

In this phase, Bitcoin prices are expected to remain in the middle price range of US$ 34,500 and gradually make progress towards a new record high towards the end of the year.

2. Red Year 2025

In phase, Bitcoin is expected to reach a new record high. The peak of the cycle is expected to arrive towards the end of the year, again in approximately 21 days from November 28, 2025.

“I see the price will increase perhaps to US$ 90,000 to US$ 130,000.

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