Our brain is lazy.
It's easier, at least for it, it's less energy-consuming than building new complex paths, the basis of the universe. This is due to physics, the distance between point A always looks for the most optimal (simple) route to point B, in a straight line.
Let's start by choosing a few tokens in which we can be sure that they will not disappear tomorrow and will not be reduced to 0.0001 even in 5 years.
The best choice is the simplest. Thanks to the Binance exchange for leaving a hint by marking them.
Top 3 cryptocurrencies for long-term investors: BTC, ETH, BNB.
Investing in fundamental tokens will bring good results over time, so feel free to add them to our portfolio.
Later, we will add others for diversification. Now it is important for us to develop a habit of buying little by little, but regularly.