$AR spot code: The current price is 18.4. It is recommended to enter the market at this position. There is still 30% room for growth above.

Some friends asked me when to buy before. I mentioned 17.5. It did reach this point when it fell yesterday.

On the four-hour chart, MACD is currently below the zero axis, and the third golden cross appears. If there is no accident in the market, it is very sure to break through the zero axis this time.

From the daily SKDJ, the price has been running around 20 for a week, showing a strong demand for growth.

Therefore, if you enter the market at the current position, you can expect at least 20% of the return, and the target is set at around 30%, that is, around 24, which is exactly the next chip gathering range.

#9月美国CPI实现6连降 #SCR价格预测 #CPI&PPI来袭,美国通胀升还降? #币安LaunchpoolSCR