Trade a hundred times, and its meaning will become clear. It is the same as reading. One is to study blindly. The other is to study attentively. Trading is not to stick to the rules! Before each transaction, you should understand why you do it? People who study attentively will record, think and summarize. People who study blindly will recite it literally. A slight change will make it Barbie Q. In a word: I don’t know how to do it if I don’t learn it. That’s it! I have traded more than a hundred times. It’s time to get to the bottom of it. There are only a few structures. Focus on one to do and learn, and study repeatedly. Then when the opportunity comes, just grab it and it’s ok! In fact, trading is that simple! There is no need to think too complicated. What is complicated is human nature!#thinkingabout human nature#coincircle#