Odaily Planet Daily News: The Central Bank of the Kingdom of Swaziland, a landlocked country in southern Africa, has released a design document describing its potential CBDC plan, the digital lilangeni. According to the design document, the digital lilangeni will be a tokenized retail CBDC that runs on a distributed database, not a distributed ledger. The CBDC will host online wallets and hard wallets managed by financial institutions, most likely in the form of smart cards that can function without Internet access. Digital lilangeni will be used as an intermediary, with financial institutions using infrastructure operated by the central bank to distribute currency to users. The CBDC will feature pseudo-anonymity, protecting privacy without compromising KYC and anti-money laundering requirements. For example, digital lilangeni payments will be programmable at the wallet level to enable automatic payments or restrictions on children's spending. (Cointelegraph)