Next, we can focus on the performance of the 60,000 support level! ! !

Two possibilities:

The first one:

Get support at the 60,000 support level, the adjustment is over, and then take off (or continue to fluctuate upward)

This scenario can be seen as a second exploration of the second support level, but it should be noted that the current level below 4 hours has fallen, and there is no divergence

The second one:

Go down here directly, or continue to torture, test the 64,000 pressure from the 60,000 support, and then fall, completing a 1:1 decline starting from 66,500

However, the danger of this approach is that it will fall to the range of about 57,000. If emotions get out of control and negative factors are added, it is easy to break through the 57,000 range and move out of the push.

From the daily line, BTC has been sideways in the 52,000~70,000 range for more than half a year after a wave of sharp rises

It presents a very strong flag-shaped consolidation pattern

The chip exchange is close to completion, coupled with the possibility of continued interest rate cuts, I am very optimistic about the next wave of BTC's larger gains.

#6万保卫战 #特朗普当选概率上升 #CPI&PPI来袭,美国通胀升还降?