Peter Todd named Satoshi Nakamoto in HBO documentary

HBO’s documentary, Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery, has reportedly identified Canadian Bitcoin core developer Peter Todd as Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator. Producer Cullen Hoback confronts Todd and Blockstream founder Adam Back with evidence supporting this claim, culminating in Todd’s statement, “Well yeah, I’m Satoshi Nakamoto.”

However, this declaration is not definitive proof of Todd’s identity as Nakamoto. He is known for using the phrase “I am Satoshi” to advocate for the real creator’s privacy. Todd has consistently denied being Bitcoin’s inventor, questioning Hoback’s conclusions following early leaks from the documentary.

After the documentary aired, Todd reiterated on social media, “I am not Satoshi,” countering the claims made in the film. He has previously joked about being Satoshi, suggesting, “I am Satoshi, as is everyone else,” during a 2019 podcast.

Hoback’s reasoning for naming Todd as Nakamoto is based on a chat log where Todd mentioned being “the world’s leading expert on how to sacrifice your Bitcoins,” implying he might have lost access to the estimated 1.1 million Bitcoin believed to be held by Nakamoto.

In his defense, Todd speculated that the anonymity of Bitcoin’s creator might have been intentional, suggesting it was a strategy to lend credibility to Bitcoin as a serious cryptocurrency rather than the creation of an unknown individual.

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