Expectations that the late Len Sassaman would be revealed in an HBO documentary that he was Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, suffered a serious setback following the statement made by his wife, Meredith L. Patterson.
Patterson stated that Sassaman is not Satoshi and that HBO had not contacted him while the documentary was being prepared. After this statement, the betting odds on Polymarket dropped from 55 percent to 14 percent for Sassaman.
“I wonder if I’m influencing prediction markets by answering questions honestly when they come up, but long story short, I don’t care,” Patterson told DL News. Speculation about Sassaman has gone so far as to create memecoins in his name, and even trending tokens for Sassaman’s cat on social media. In response to such questions, Patterson shared an address for token donations on the Solana blockchain.
Other Names Are Also On The Agenda For Satoshi
Other names besides Sassaman were also on the agenda. Blockstream CEO and early Bitcoin developer Adam Back was identified as Satoshi by businessman Samsow Mow. However, Back dismissed the claim as a joke and tweeted that he did not know who Satoshi was. Mow is expected to appear in the documentary.
While there have been no definitive leaks of the documentary yet, there has been intense speculation and betting on the various candidates. Millions of dollars have been wagered on Sassaman, Back and other candidates on Polymarket in the last 24 hours. As of Tuesday afternoon Hong Kong time, the “Other/Multiple” category has risen above 56 percent, while Sassaman has 13 percent and Back has remained around 11 percent. More than $13 million has reportedly been wagered in total.