In the morning, the price of BGB dropped by more than 50%, which deceived many people, but many people also bought at the bottom and made more than double their money!
The main reason for this BGB situation is that the pool is too small to bear the market price sell-off of large investors, so that a deep pit is created. Fortunately, the platform responded in time and quickly recovered the price, so not too many chips were bought at the bottom. I saw someone buying tens of thousands of U in other people’s groups!
At present, the most liquid exchange in China is Binance, followed by OKX. Although Bitget is a rising star, as a platform currency BGB, the pool is still too small. On the contrary, BNB basically has a strong capital pool. #bgb #非农人数大幅升温 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金 $BNB