A lot of people try to manipulate you bcoz they get paid for making you fool .if they say you to hold you hold and sell or take any decisions on the basis of the things that are mentioned by them right ?

but if you want to make money from crypto here are things you need to know ÷

it's crucial to study by yourself and to know any crypto that you are going to invest in .

there is some strategy that I am revealing to you today not everyone dare to share with you coz they don't want you to make money from it.

if you are thinking to print huge money from it and going to be a millionaire or billionare from it then I would like to say you to change your mind .it doesn't mean that you don't earn huge money you could but for that it requires huge investment ,risk as well as knowledge and skills requires for making huge money .it probably gonna give you or take your all what you have so always set up a mind set and invest only that much how much you could bear .but it's true if you are aware and little interested then you can make money but as I have mentioned before to you little more you could make .

how interested , right ?

if you are exploring this then you need to have study about crypto for few days or weeks even a month and know the pattern what is the drop in that coin and how much maximum limit it is hitting whenever you see it hitting down buy some and hold for few months or year and you will see income and keep doing that and also learn some market strategy to gain more .

why investors are in loss ??

they are in loss bcoz they put their all money in a single coin and also being greedy in making money in 24 hours they pour all money when it starts to get down day by day that will put in inventors in a state of panic and they have a fear of losing money and they sell abruptly which make it impossible to win but in some case invester loss day by day becoz learning about the coin potential and project potential is also crucial .

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