Are you confused when you first enter the cryptocurrency circle?

Don't know where to start?

Newcomers must have a lot of confusion and questions when entering the circle

Here are the top ten questions to help you avoid detours.

Q: How should newcomers choose coins?

A: No need to choose, the market has already chosen for you. In the cryptocurrency circle, choose Bitcoin or a combination of Bitcoin and Ethereum, they are the most expensive and valuable.

Q: How can newcomers make money in the cryptocurrency circle?

A: You must be obedient and don't believe in yourself. The most profitable and worry-free way is the long-term holding strategy, that is, hoarding coins. Don't study other things, learn more about various other knowledge.

Q: If you want to hold coins for a long time, when will you cash them out?

A: Cashing out will be at least two cycles later, which is about eight years now, or at least 10 times the return if measured by the rate of return before considering cashing out.

Q: Since you can make money by hoarding coins, why don't people in the market hoard coins?

A: Because there are always only a few people who can achieve financial freedom and make a lot of money.

Q: Where can newcomers buy Bitcoin?

A: Exchanges.

Q: Aren’t exchanges not allowed to open? What should I do?

A: There is a thing called magic. There is also a region called Hong Kong in our country, you know!

Q: How should newcomers store the coins after buying them?

A: At present, the safest way to store them is an offline cold wallet. But there is no absolutely safe place for assets. If you are a novice and have a small amount of funds, it is recommended to use an exchange, which is convenient and simple. As knowledge improves, consider other storage methods.

Q: How much money should I take out for investment?

A: 20% of income is enough. Reducing 20% ​​will not affect the quality of life.

Q: Bitcoin is so expensive now, can I really make money?

A: Yes!

Q: Do you have any other suggestions for newcomers besides these?

A: Read more, spend more time with your family, and pay more attention to real life.

In short, newcomers should be cautious when entering the cryptocurrency circle, don't blindly follow the trend, learn more, and think more. If you don't understand, please pay attention.

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