Analyzing the potential of #Layer2 ARB - The best layer at the moment
Currently #Arbitrum is the Top 1 layer2.
All are analyzed in detail in this post
Onchain indicators are continuously breaking ATH including;
TVL in the ecosystem: $7.09B
Number of active wallet addresses: $1.85M
Number of transactions: $5.7M
MC Stable in the ecosystem: $3.45B
Especially, the transaction fee is only $0.001, which is beneficial for games, builders and users.
Compare these metrics to other Layer 2s to prove Base's top 2 position
Daily active addresses in 90d
Top 1 active addresses
97% growth 1 year
394k active addresses 1 day
Total daily transactions
Top 1 transactions
Over 1.27M transactions
81% growth 1 year