Therefore, I am more optimistic about pepe. According to the size of Dogecoin and Shitcoin, the market value of Dogecoin and Shitcoin is 100 billion and 60 billion RMB respectively. Therefore, in this bull market, pepe may reach a high point of more than 200 billion RMB, which is 10 times the current price.
Recently, I am also optimistic about the coin #Babymarvin. It belongs to the early stage of community construction and has a high level of community activity. It will be launched in mid-October. You can arrange in advance to grab the bottom chips. It is named after Musk's dog Marvin. Musk celebrates the birthday of the dog on November 1st every year and tweets to celebrate. Therefore, it is expected that the market value will soon exceed 10 million, or increase by 100 times.
The core of meme coin is consensus, so community construction is a reflection of strong consensus. A strong enough community construction may become the next pepe#BABYMARVIN #非农人数大幅升温 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份