🇨🇵🇨🇵there is a saying in French that says
"one man's misfortune is another man's gain🇨🇵🇨🇵
"In two hours, the#tokenwent from a capitalization of €268.98 million to €272.96 million"
(quote from "esthete Atoi cryptique" on the binance square, thanks to him, go give him some likes)
as you can see with 10 dollars you can have as much hamster as someone who spent 6 months with his connection at 30 € and playing 24 hours on my stop 24 non stop breaking his phone at 500 dollars really it was making fun of the players to take out the hamster like that and obviously the investors jumped at the chance to take advantage of all these billions that are currently being put into play around this currency which is surely the currency of the most total scandal
We must not forget all these players and all those who participated in hamster combat to make its wealth I want to say because without them at present hamster combat would only be a small video game on the Play Store like there are hundreds and hundreds and thousands of others like it.
we are still in the promise with this asset since we realize each time that it makes promises to go up and which does not stop going down currently we are still in this promise of a possible rise will it be the case or not everything will depend I imagine on season 2 everything will depend on your investors everything will also depend on the economic situation.
the hamster under the autopsy of the fibonacci retracement 🐹🐹🐹⚰⚰⚰. Despite a big demand it remains at 38%...
we still have in mind that cryptocurrencies are the future and that we cannot imagine in the future that cryptocurrencies will be completely gone if it is not that another world has replaced them, but we currently live in this world and whatever your crypto I advise you to keep it because in the very near future these cryptocurrencies will fly away and this is a normal phenomenon since we are in this world, a virtual world where the virtual has taken precedence over reality, a world a little like the Matrix described it