after 2 days of decline #BTC has fallen from the important position of 61k8. A part of the short market has won while the long side has lost ground when this morning #BTC has inhaled 60k2. A slight threat for the next direction is decline.

Narrow fluctuation range. 60k- 62k8. Suitable for those who like to surf. With such an oscillation amplitude, there will be a surfing strategy

- For long, buy around 60k5-60k3 tl 60k

tagret 61k5-61k8-62k7

- Short entry from 61k8-62k7 tl 63k3 tagret 60k-58k7-57k7-56k2. Long reversal tl 55k7

The short-term adjustment of 66k450-56k2 will take a few days. Flexibility in leverage and tl position to minimize risks when unusual fluctuations occur. Good luck to traders