On October 14th comes the penultimate big unlocking of the AXIE Infinity token.

Do you remember the game?

I'll go over some data to remind you of the madness that runs in a Bull Market and the irrationality of it.

Current price $4.73

Price at ATH (NFT game bubble) -> $165.00

It reached a MarketCap of $10,000,000,000

And this madness boasted a cold FDV of $42,000,000,000 dollars. 😱

You read that right $42,000 Million FDV the token of a simple Game click to earn NFT 😮🔫

And then giant, millionaire megaprojects with tremendous infrastructure, development and human resources, carry a FDV of $500 Million and we see it expensive.

This is the jungle, totally irrational!!!!